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Perinatal Pathology
  Perinatal Pathology - Overview  
  The perinatal pathology unit is the first and only one of its kinds in India and one of the finest in Asia. Autopsy and perinatal pathology have immense value in determining causes of fetal abnormality and loss. This information helps for counseling and planning subsequent pregnancy. Over the last decade 6130 perinatal pathological have been performed at MediScan. The increasing use of this facility exemplifies its value in fetal care.  
  A perinatal pathology examination includes:
  • Fetal radiology
  • Histopathology
  • An examination of the fetus in cases of lethal anomalies / unexplained IUFD
  • Placental examination
      Partial / selective autopsy of affected organs alone can be organized on request.  
      The technical team  
  • Dr. Lata Murlidhar
  • Dr. Poornima Ramkumar
      a. Post mortem analysis of the preserved fetus to give a possible diagnosis to the affected families. The tests consist of
    - Gross - external and internal
    - Fetal radiographs
    - Histopathologic examination of all possible and necessary tissues.
    b. Research and Academic activities simultaneously to try to find answers to unsolved mysteries in the fetus and neonate